
ZuWaKo CIB CAfe #10: Launch of the Online Scenario-Wizard by Dr. Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle

On July 25, 2024, Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle presented and launched the new online version of the CIB software ScenarioWizard. The ScenarioWizard is the free software for easy use of the qualitative system and scenario method CIB (Cross-Impact Balance Sheet Analysis). CIB was developed about 20 years ago by Dr. Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle. The new web application provides […]

ZuWaKo CIB CAfe #10: Launch of the Online Scenario-Wizard by Dr. Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle Read More »


The ZuWaKo project partners met at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Saxony from July 9-10, 2024. We discussed the status and next steps of the PhD projects and made progress with the joint simulation game and the “Futurescape Navigator” web application. Many good ideas were developed in a constructive exchange. We also had the very

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ZuwaKo meets futures Studies

“Fostering sustainable water resource policies in complex and uncertain futures with semi-qualitative systems analysis and serious games” was the titel of Janina Moschner’s talk about her work in Module B at the futuresconference2024 “Futures of Natural Resources” in Turku, Finland. Janina presented the #ZuWaKo project’s approach to policy-mix scenarios to the futures studies community. She

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ZuWaKO at Young Water Professionals (YWP) European Conference 2024

“Fostering sustainable water resource policies in complex and uncertain futures with semi-qualitative systems analysis and serious games” was the titel of Janina Moschner’s talk about her work in Module B at the YWPEUR2024 on June 17, 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark. She participated in sessions on innovative practices regarding drinking water, waste water and storm water

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zuWAKO CIB-CaFE #8 with Dr. ChrisTIAN SPONAGEL on tackling biodiversity decline

CIB-café #9 took place on June 6, 2024 (14:00-15:00 CET). Dr. Christian Sponagel from the University of Hohenheim gave a talk about pathways to prevent biodiversity decline in agricultural landscapes. He presented four different pathways that can be considered plausible options to reduce biodiversity decline in Germany developed with CIB and the policy recommendations to

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Water Congress Cottbus

On 9 and 10 April 2024, the first joint water congress took place in Cottbus, organized by the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs) from Berlin-Brandenburg together with the Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller e. V. (VBKI) and the Berlin-Brandenburg regional group of the Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e. V. (VKU). Fabian Hölzlberger from the ZuWaKo

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