On July 25, 2024, Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle presented and launched the new online version of the CIB software ScenarioWizard. The ScenarioWizard is the free software for easy use of the qualitative system and scenario method CIB (Cross-Impact Balance Analysis). CIB was developed about 20 years ago by Dr. Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle. The new web application provides an addition to the CIB software, as it allows using CIB on multiple devices as well as easy access to CIB for Mac users and without any software download. In addition, it provides the CIB community with new analysis features, e.g. to analyze scenario spaces trough a scenario axis approach and heat maps. The application comes with video-tutorials. It has been developed in parallel with the serious game CIB application in ZuWaKo and both mutually benefit from each other. The online ScenarioWizard is freely available for all interested users through the CIB website (including a basic tutorial) or directly through https://scenariowizard.org/public/login/ScW.php.
Example for a CIB scenario-axis application mapping scenarios (blue and red dots) by diversity, with a heat map indicating the different conflict risks of the scenarios (ZuWako context scenarios, Kosow et al. in prep.)