The Lausitzer Zukunftsforum Landnutzung (“Lusatian Future Forum on Land Use”) took place in Cottbus on September 26 and 27, 2024. Participants from agriculture, science, business, administration, politics and civil society were able to contribute their perspectives and exchange ideas on sustainable land use. Water availability is a particularly critical issue in Lusatia. This is why Anja Brumme and Fabian Hölzlberger from the ZuWaKo team were also on site. In her presentation “Structural change and future water conflicts in Lusatia”, Anja Brumme presented the ZuWaKo simulation game and initial results from Modul C . The guests then had the opportunity to try out the simulation game for themselves at a “market of innovations”.The forum was followed by an excursion on the topic of land use innovations. This included a visit to the town of Welzow from the perspective of the intangible heritage of the lignite industry. Finally, we went to Wolkenberg, where wine is grown on a recultivated area of the Welzow Süd open-cast mine.

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